
So this is it. A culmination of a year’s worth of Guise, a kept promise, and a time for new horizons.

This time last year I made a resolution, one which I thought would improve me a little, or failing that would at least prove to myself that I was capable of following through with writing regularly. By the end of it, I’d feel less guilty about calling myself a writer perhaps. That resolution was to write every week, to make a post as Guise without fail, and with today I can thankfully say I made it.

This is an achievement that I’m extremely proud of. It’s the first time I’ve seen a new years resolution through, but it’s also the first time I’ve committed to writing regularly.

I’ve learned a few things during this past year of writing. First of all, it’s really hard to stay fresh if you’re not prepared properly. Letting that deadline creep up each week and not have content ready to go has turned writing into a chore at times, something I’ve never wanted it to be.

The other main lesson I’ve learned is that writing like this isn’t necessarily what I see myself doing for the long term. I’ve loved sharing my thoughts, experiences and poetry with you all, but it’s time to try something new.

Guise will still be here in 2018, but maybe in less regular fashion. I’m hoping to open new creative avenues and exploring how I can next express my creative side.

So to you all, may 2018 guide you to new heights. See you in the new year.



Forever is a long time. We often find it hard enough to commit to a gym or a new phone contract, yet without even some opportunity to partake in the decision, we are born into existence. This eternal, ambiguous existence. 

So we forgive the universe for forcing this existence upon us, often times praising it, and we get on learning, growing, interacting, sharing, loving, and being. We just learn how to live, and ignore the impending threat of eternity. 

With this we accept that we have meaning to find in this small fragment of eternity which we call life. We often then flounder and procrastinate, consuming a cocktail of low self-worth and high insecurity with a dash of self doubt. Until one of two things happen; we either decide what we are going to take from this world after a nearly cathartic experience, or, this existence places a jigsaw piece in front of you which makes the puzzle all make sense. 

For me, I saw her and finally understood all that I was and I all that I could be. I had a reason, a direction, all guided by a hundred little butterflies. I soon recognised that my direction is a life in dedication to love and knowledge. 

But only if it meant spending eternity by her side. 
